Rules of the Road
When ever using data for publication, research, and/or educational purpose please follow the Data Policy when citing or using the data. For profit requires proper licensing arrangements prior to use.Open Web Access
All data can be accesssed via CHAIN-data url requiring no username or password.File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Utilizing a FTP downloading solution: bash scp, FileZilla, ... etc one can download the data more easily
Server Url:
Username: ftp
Password: Your email address.
Preferably, your institutional email address. Invalid email addresses will be blocked.
Daily 30-second RINEX v2.11 observation files are in gps/data/daily/YYYY/DDD/YYo/ or gps/data/daily/YYYY/DDD/YYd/ for Hatanaka compressed files
Highrate 1-second RINEX v2.11 observation files are in gps/data/highrate/YYYY/DDD/
The binary GPS receiver files are archived below gps/data/raw/SSSS where:
- YYYY is the four-digit year
- SSSS is the 4-letter marker name
- DDD is the three-digit day of year
- YYo is the 2-digit year followed by the letter "o"
- YYd is the 2-digit year followed by the letter "d"
- MM is the 2-digit month
- DD is the 2-digit day of month
- HH is the 2-digit hour
- MM and SS which represent the minutes and seconds are typically 00 and 00
In addition to the standard GNSS observables (pseduorange, phase, doppler and SNR) collected at 1 Hz, our receivers also operate as GNSS Ionospheric TEC and Scintiallation Monitors (GISTM) and collect (phase and amplitude) at 50Hz (occasionally 100Hz).
50Hz phase and amplitude are often summarized by using the scintillation indices, sigma_phi and S4 on a 1-miute interval.
ISMR files are available which contain sigma_phi and S4 along with other summary data available from gps/ismr
Access to the 50Hz phase and amplitude is only available via the binary receiver files. See above under GPS Data
Currently we have two types of Ionosonde deployed, their data is seperte via their names- CADI md1 and md2 files are found in cadi/ST
- Sanimut hdf5 files are found in modis/ST
- ST is the 2-3 letter station abbreviation or station name
- YYYY is the four-digit year
- YY is the 2-digit year
- MM is the 2-digit month
- DD is the 2-digit day of month